Trial Technology

For Trials, Mediations, Arbitrations and Hearings

hot seat trialTrial Technicians

Unmatched technical experience using skilled trial technicians and the best trial presentation software

Video playbacksVideo Playbacks

Trusted technicians who excel under pressure and play videos with designations
at a trial or hearing 

trial equipment rentalCourtroom Setup

Fully equipped resource for all of your technology needs in the courtroom, war room or conference room

Full Service Trial Support

We are a resource for attorneys from the discovery phase through the post-trial. Our team will be there with you every step of the way—providing last minute trial graphics, making copies, creating video depo clips, working courtroom audiovisual equipment—whatever tools you need to give you the edge over opposing counsel!

What is a Conflict Check? Before we can work with a client we need to ensure that no conflict of interest exists. This means that we review the basics of your case to ensure that any conflicting party has not already engaged our services.

Have questions about any of our services? We are here to help you. You can always contact us by calling 800-577-8128 or using our secure online form. We are ready to assist you and answer your litigation support questions.