Medical Illustration

We provide custom medical illustrations that expertly depict the patient as well as the procedures that occurred or should have occurred.

Keeping your trier of fact focused on a medical procedure or a medical history can be challenging. If you do show graphics, you need to be certain they are both accurate and informative.

Our Board Certified Medical Illustrators will create custom illustrations of injuries and procedures based on your medical records, films, photos and expert documents.

We can provide stock medical illustrations and add in specific text to meet your needs.

Call or email us to discuss potential illustrations.

Talk to one of our experts

Let's discuss your case details and create a visual strategy.

What is a Conflict Check? Before we can work with a client we need to ensure that no conflict of interest exists. This means that we review the basics of your case to ensure that any conflicting party has not already engaged our services.

Have questions about any of our services? We are here to help you. You can always contact us by calling 800-577-8128 or using our secure online form. We are ready to assist you and answer your litigation support questions.